
Grey Cloud Island - Real Haunts in St. Paul Park MN

  • Grey Cloud Island
  • St. Paul Park, MN
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This island is a residential community that was named after a Native-American chief and it is believed to be quite haunted. People claim they have seen a phantom white pickup truck that tailgates local drivers, chasing them off the island. Other eerie occurrences that have reportedly taken place at this location include green orbs or clouds, which are attributed to the lantern of Chief Grey Cloud's ghost. The sounds of a screaming lady has also been reported in the cemetery.
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  • Something’s off

    I was there with my friends last weekend and something just wasn’t right. While driving over Dead Man’s Bridge we all had an “off” feeling wash over us like something wasn’t right. Probably no more then 100 feet after driving across my car spuddered out and wouldn’t start for minutes. In the dead of night driving away we heard a terrible shreak-we all did. This place is definitely eerie and haunted. We were to scared to goto the cemetery.

    Posted 9/21/24

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  • spooky hiking and phantom drums

    i was on the trail with my friend and his dad a long time ago and i can certanly say it was the creepiest nature walk i've ever been on. i was walking on the trail and I started hearing drums, like the drums you would hear at a pow wow a well as some kind of chanting, ive also seen a little girl, but to me it looked like a native american girl standing in the woods beside me if i didn't belive grey cloud island wasn't haunted before, i sure as hell do now??

    Posted 5/27/24

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  • thick fog/smoke and little girl

    when we went, the first thing we saw as soon as we turned on to grey cloud island rd was thick smoke and we kept driving and it looked like the end of the bridge was blocked off by logs, we saw a white pick up truck turn with a blinker and go through the logs without even knocking them over which made no sense, we made a u turn as quick as possible after seeing that and kept driving straight and we saw a feild FILLED with smoke/fog. and we drove slow and in the fog we saw tiny green flashing lights. when we were far away from grey cloud island we saw what appeared to be a little girl, it was a white figure and it was terrfying. be careful these spirits can and will follow you!

    Posted 8/15/23

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  • Odd Little Place

    A few weeks ago my daughter and I were test driving a car from East Side Auto. I turned on to Grey Cloud Island Dr. S. and continued our test drive. I mentioned to my daughter, "What an odd feels "heavy" here and weird", She agreed. Further down the road we pulled in to a driveway to turn around, then went back to the Auto shop. I got online today to check out Grey Cloud Island to see if it was actually an island and found out about all the mystery. I've lived in the Twin Cities my whole life and never heard of Grey Cloud Island and it's hauntings. Very cool Grey Cloud....Very Cool!

    Posted 6/28/23

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  • there ant nothing spooky there

    i was jus out catfishin out in the woods left when it got rlly dark nothing happend to me i’ve been told stories of how my mom used to hide out there and have her sister drive ppl down there than she’d scare em but all that’s down there is high teenagers

    Posted 6/8/23

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Grey Cloud was not a chief!

    The island was named for my 4th great grandmother, Margaret Aird, aka Mahpiahawin or Grey Cloud Woman II. She was married to Hazen Mooers. That's why the lake on the island is called Mooers. My 5th great grandmother was Mahpiahotawin or Grey Cloud Woman. She married Scot fur traider James Aird. Grey Cloud's father was Mdewakanton Dakota Chief Wapahasha (Anglicized version Wabasha), aka Red Leaf. I experienced nothing but peace and tranquility there.

    Posted 4/9/21

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  • Grew up here

    I am 29 years old been here my entire life the "Ghost truck" is the guys getting off work from the gravel pit they all drive white work trucks. There is no kkk camp at all it is a church camp. The cemetery is not haunted I have walked thru it at night alone many times. The green lantern is the buoys reflecting off the river or barge lights. There are more false rumors I dont care to explain, BUT! I do know one thing about this island Is true because I have seen it myself if you want to know text me at 763-401-3375 if your in the area I will show you

    Posted 11/2/20

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    6 out of 9 found this review helpful

  • Real Deal

    While visiting MN back in 2014-2015, my Grey Cloud experience -along with other strange encounters throughout my stay- was the most unnerving. A friend I had made actually grew up there, living on the island,  and his parents still lived there at the time although this particular weekend they were away. The weird shit started one day when my friend *Joey brought others and myself to his home there to hang out and told us about the stories/legends/history of the island, and was even able to prove to us that without a doubt this place was haunted. The first thing he did when we entered thru the island gates was drive us by what was explained to us as an old schoolhouse and warn us that it was now a known KKK meeting place and that they were very protective of their privacy and are known to chase people away with guns. . It had just gotten dark outside when another friend of ours (we'll call Matt) begged to let him check it out so we parked about 200 ft away. The school looked empty and seemed unoccupied. We all got out and walked across a huge lawn toward the building. We could hear dogs barking and growling from the wooded area but saw none- later Joey claimed dog noises were a frequent paranormal event in that exact area! Right as we reached the building to look inside the windows, a silhouette of a *large* man appeared in the window in front of us, as if he had been on the floor but stood up to look outside. We all screamed and ran as fast as we could back to the car and took off - ME: not daring a glance back. After this, my friend took us to a very old cemetery. We had to walk down a fairly long trail/dirt road to come upon the gated off cemetery, along the way we heard beating drums coming from multiple directions deep in the adjacent woods that would start and stop without any rhythm it seemed.. Walking thru the cemetery, my friend told us of a known witch who was buried there and when we found her gravesite, he pointed out how he knew which one was hers: the fact that there was grass covering every inch of the grounds except for the top of her grave... Apparently no grass has ever been able to grow above her. I remember her name was Amelia...(Matt tried to provoke her to 'come out' by laying down & rolling on, then even spitting on her gravesite while taunting her *let me say right here I was extremely against that behavior and did voice my opinion a few times..* -a week later he told me he had been alone in his room chillin on his bed when his hand was suddenly tugged.. he claims that the very second it was tugged "Amelia" came straight to his mind and he felt her presence. A week after that, "Amelia" came through to us via Ouija board. She named herself, answered GC when asked where she was buried, and made it clear she wanted Matt. When we asked why, she replied with the words LAY and SPIT. She clearly spelled out a few times how she wanted Matt. I can't remember what else was asked or answered but I do remember thinking that each response we received amazed me. (Side note: years later when I reached out to Matt on FB to say hello, he told me that ever since that ouija night his life has been a series of bad luck, losses, depression, and chaos and is convinced he was cursed by Amelia.) Later in the evening, our group of friends split into 2 groups, my group went to the garage to play Ouija and the others went outside to sit around the bonfire. While using the board, a woman came thru who told us that she had lived there, and that she died by "axe" and "water"... When we finished and went to join Joey and friends outside, we all genuinely freaked out when Joey started telling us how a woman who used to live there was murdered and found in the river behind the house. Since leaving MN I have looked up Grey Cloud on the internet, and am shocked at how many other people have had the exact same experiences. There's no doubt in my mind the island is a hotspot for spirits. And honestly, I urge anyone thinking about visiting to use extreme caution along with common sense- but especially be respectful. There is life after death. Don't be the next asshole who gets cursed.

    Posted 5/26/20

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  • White truck is real-just local morons

    Hi there. A good friend of mine lives in New Port and often goes for drives on Grey Cloud. While innocently parked with her husband ( she didn't hear rumors of any haunting s at the time) by the fishing bridge, a white truck with two idiots driving pulled up behind them, put on ski masks and headed for their car. Of course they left.( They have seen the white "phantom truck" several times. I think its terrible that this so called wonderful little community condones such hostile and childish behavior of their residents. Taking it a bit far I think, Those jerks better be careful who's car they walk up on, especially wearing masks. Phantom white truck? What a joke .We may read about them haunting the island one day. For Pete's sake, its not a private island. There is a cemetery with peoples loved ones in it, that do not live on that God forsaken stinky river island. Family who may actually want to visit them. Not to mention those with native american heritage and lineage relating to it.Its a public island with fishing, and roads, and yes maybe some ghosts. Why shouldn't folks be allowed to enter. There should be a monthly paranormal group meeting on the island with all interested invited. What are they going to do when you're not using private land? Get more idiots with masks to threaten folks? You know, come to think of it, didn't the KKK used to don white masks???? Hmmmmmm, something to think about.Another thing. Who has video surveillance on public land? Who's doing the viewing?Is this a community voted thing by the residents? What are they hiding? Maybe The KKK from their secret meeting place? It just sounds strange to me.

    Posted 7/13/19

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  • Creepy

    We went during the day due to the web cams posted on the island now. The Cemetary is very quiet, and there is an overwhelming sense of sadness I attribute to all the lost children buried there. Unfortunately, equipment failure ruined our Evp sessions so we have to go back. At 2 different times my sister and I saw figures walk across the graveyard in the southeast corner. They walked about 6 steps and disappeared. We saw them at different times and had different personal experiences which we did not share until later. I'd love to go at night, but there were so many animals which ran in front of my car, I would be very worried I'd hit something. I almost hit a coyote as soon as I drove onto the island. Cool place overall.

    Posted 8/17/18

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  • Scariest Haunt I've been on!

    You have to be careful going because they have video camera's now. While in the cemetary we heard crying babies (there are grave sites of what must be still born babies). We also heard a young boy bouncing a ball and a man talking. We also heard a gate "creak" open or shut. In which we went closer to the noise and it stopped but there was a gate there and it was shut. As for the white truck. It never chased us but we seen it parked. Also seen a man approaching us with a lantern and he appeared to be headless. (Knew it was a man by the way he was dressed) This was by far the scariest haunt sites I've been to in Minnesota.

    Posted 6/20/18

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  • Haunted for sure

    I've lived in St. Paul Park for 33 years. I know for fact that the Island is definitely haunted by very angry Native American spirits. My father was a pipe carrier and performed sweat lodge ceremonies and such. We talked about this before he died.

    Posted 8/27/17

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    12 out of 14 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3190 days ago)

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