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Green Lawn Cemetery - CSAH 20 Cemetery - Real Haunted Place

  • County State Aid Highway
  • St. Peter, MN
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  (2 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is also known as CSAH (County State Aid Highway) 20 Cemetery and Traverse de Sioux Cemetery. It is believed to be haunted and is also a location for animal sacrifices. Witnesses have reported seeing apparitions, photo anomalies and other eerie phenomena.
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  • Extremely eerie

    This place is foreboding. I came from the north down 169 and the gps had me get off at 368th street (a slightly unkept steep dirt road) to 20. It is really dark out there, which already sets the mood. No street lights so its easy to pass right by it late at night. We went at about midnight, Coming up the hill into the cemetary just feels like bad news. I've been to quite alot of cemetaries and haunted places around the states, many of them with more folklore or haunted reportings, but for some reason this one had me feeling uneasy to say the least right away. I don't know why this one had such an intense feeling, (we didn't see anything or hear anything), but It brought hairs up on your neck. We felt like multiple things were watching you in the woods to the side of the cemetary. The ground in parts is squishy, and there is a heavy sinking feeling there. I have no proof that this place is truelly haunted by my experiance alone, but I definitly feel like something dark is there. It is by far a creepy one worth carefully exploring

    Posted 6/3/18

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  • Greenlawn is Haunted!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjbp_eh44zE Here is a video about that place!

    Posted 10/20/17

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,794
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3303 days ago)

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