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Dairy Queen - Real St. Anthony Haunted Place

  • 2612 County Road 88
  • St. Anthony, MN
  • (612) 781-2429
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This Dairy Queen is rumored to be haunted by the sounds of children laughing and the sounds of employees' names being called have been heard after closing. Suspicious order print up that were never ordered by anyone in the realm of living and items have been know to vanish or fall loudly off the cooler shelves. Cold spots have also been reported here.
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  • Former DQ Employee

    I worked at DQ for about 2 years, and opening and closing by myself was always creepy. I didn’t hear “laughing children” but would feel like something was staring at me if I was alone in the back. The creepiest thing that ever happened was our bathroom door shutting by itself sometimes, and some things falling off the walls in the back, and hearing one of the the entrance doors open and close but nobody would be there . I sometimes would hear someone call my name a few times but I also would psych myself out lol , but nothing super bizarre. It is literally across the street from a cemetery though. Although 0/10 would recommend buying stuff from here, it’s outrageously expensive.

    Posted 8/3/22

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  • the movie mayham

    I have been there many time as it was close to my childhood home. I remember this one time when i went to go to target to pick up a redbox movie my Grandfather offered to get me a blizzard. I was sitting in his front seat and I ordered my Ice cream. then as i went to the window I saw a shadowy figure behind the lady serving us. I asked who it was behind her and she turned around and screamed. I got a free Blizzard and an extreamly scaring paranormal memorie.

    Posted 3/25/20

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  • I would like to do overnight challenge

    Hi my name isAaron cox and would to do overnight Challenge there and I have experience in the I passed and see I pick up on camera and recording thank you Aaron cox

    Posted 4/22/18

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    4 out of 14 found this review helpful

  • I like to check out

    I like to go check this out experience myself investigate hunted places then this one

    Posted 5/30/17

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    3 out of 7 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (612) 781-2429

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Visitors to this page: 4,181
Clicks to Website: 2
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3303 days ago)

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